stylecraft showroom installation - saturday in design - melbourne 2012
Animate Activate was developed in conjunction with the Stylecraft Melbourne showroom, in response to the Saturday In Design ‘The Project’ brief, in July 2012. The design sought to examine how the use of large scale video screens could become a medium that is integral to the conception of Interior Design.
The project explored the potentials of using LED screen based technologies to animate architectural surfaces and produce stunning spatial effects. This involved the use of a LED curtain system that created an architecturally scaled video wall behind the bar area of the showroom. This wall was considered as a surface rather than a screen; an animated eighty thousand LED light source.
With the concept and technology in place we invited a number of RMIT Interior Design graduates and students who had shown an aptitude in video production, after affects manipulation or flash animation to contribute works for the event. The accompanying video content included works that pushed the boundaries between the interaction of digital screen information and the resulting spatial qualities that they generate.
The visual language employed by the contributing designers combined pattern, texture, light, transition and motion to create a shifting series of forms and relationships that induced delightful optical affects and implied the perception of depth. The works were both abstract, graphic, textural, photographic and filmic. The resulting effect was subtle and muted, glittering and glistening, spatial and decorative, complex and calming, elegant and mesmerizing.