The correlation of tree, seed, cell-like, and cymatic patterns led to the final refined family of forms. In this evolution two distinct narratives were employed to drive and contain the creative process. These were the forest and the chess set.
In the King forms the seed-like structures are clad in multiple layers of stretch fabric mesh that produce an ephemeral cocoon of moire interference patterns. In the Queen forms the use of hyperboloid geometry produces a structurally strong and visually engaging solution that allows the speakers to be aligned and angled in all directions. The King and the Queen both contrast and mirror each other. The black opaque density of the bulbous convex King acts as a partner and counter-balance to the lightness, transparency and elegance of the concave Queen.
The Pawn seating elements appear as juvenile offspring of the two mature forms, adorned with individual primal geometric patterns cut within their outer skin they act like small islands, inviting the gallery visitor to pause and appreciate different visual and aural experiences within the installation.